Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Fourth Prime Minister of Malaysia.

"Malaysia is our country, we are born here, we grow up here, make a living here and here we will die. Whether this country is good or bad is because of us. We can choose. Choose wisely because our lives are at stake."
Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad

Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohammad born July 10 1925 was the Prime Mininster of Malaysia from 1981 to 2003.During his term in office he was credited for engineering Malaysia's rappid modernisation and the resulting high levels of prosperity now enjoyed by nearly all Malaysian.Tun Dr  Mahathir was able to maintain peace between the various races in Malaysia, and this is regarded by many as his greatest achievement.

Formally,Mahathir is know as Tun Dr.Mahathir bin Mohamad, but his supporters call him Dr.M.

During his term in office,Mahathir forcefully tried to turn Malaysia into a regional high-tect manufacturing,financial, and telecommunications hub through his economic policies based on corporate nationalism,know as the various Malaysia Plans which set out the government middle term objectives.These policies remained in effect almost to the end of his tenure in office.

Largely due to the economic development of the country, which by and large has benefited all  races,Mahathir left behind a peaceful,prosperous and self-confident Malaysia, for which he has been granted the subriquet of Bapa Kemodenan.Mahathir remains an inspiration to the youger Malaysian generation due to his leadership abilities and his no-nonsense demeanour.

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